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All References with Titles containing 'mescaline extract' OR with Authors including 'mescaline extract' OR with Abstract including 'mescaline extract' OR with Keywords including 'mescaline extract'

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Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Silva MTA, Carlini EA Lack of cross-tolerance in rats among (-)delta 9 -trans- tetrahydrocan... Psychopharmacologia 1968
Schnoll SH, Vogel WH Analysis of street drugs N Engl J Med 1971
Friedhoff AJ, Schweitzer ... Biosynthesis of mescaline and N-acetylmescaline by mammalian liver Nature 1972
Demisch L, Seiler N Oxidative metabolism of mescaline in the central nervous system--V In ... Biochem Pharmacol 1975
Shulgin AT, Helisten C Differentiation of PCP, TCP, and a contaminating precursor PCC, by thi... Microgram 1975
Paul SM, Halaris AE, Free... Rat brain aryl acylamidase: stereospecific inhibition by LSD and serot... J. Neurochem. 1976
Poffenbarger M, Fuller GM Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Neurotubule Assembly J.Neurochem. 1977
Kleinman JE, Gillin JC, W... A comparison of the phenomenology of hallucinogens and schizophrenia f... Schizophr Bull 1977
Pardanani JH, McLaughlin ... Cactus Alkaloids. XXXVI. Mescaline and related compounds from Trichoce... Lloydia 1977
Doetsch PW, Cassady JM, M... Cactus Alkaloids XL. Identification of mescaline and other &946-phenet... Journal of Chromatog... 1980
Helmlin HJ, Brenneisen R Determination of psychotropic phenylalkylamine derivatives in biologic... J Chromatogr 1992
Clement BA, Goff CM, Forb... Toxic amines and alkaloids from Acacia berlandieri Phytochemistry 1997
Bruhn JG, De Smet PA, El-... Mescaline use for 5700 years Lancet 2002
El-Seedi HR, Smet PA, Bec... Prehistoric peyote use: Alkaloid analysis and radiocarbon dating of ar... J Ethnopharmacol 2005
Snyder SH Commentary on: Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences havin... Psychopharmacology (... 2006
Kerrigan S, Banuelos S, P... Simultaneous Detection of Ten Psychedelic Phenethylamines in Urine by ... Journal of Analytica... 2011
Battal D, Barnes AJ, Cast... Urine Mescaline Screening With a Biochip Array Immunoassay and Quantif... Ther Drug Monit 2015